Our Blog

Therapy Helper

Dog lovers enjoy the warm, calming feelings they experience when petting their pups. Deep fur petting and belly rubs help settle your dogs and let them know you’re happy with them!

Petting a Dog is Good for Your Brain

Dog lovers enjoy the warm, calming feelings they experience when petting their pups. Deep fur petting and belly rubs help settle your dogs and let them know you’re happy with them!

Homemade Frozen Dog Treats

If your dog is too hot this summer, cool her off and make her happy with healthy homemade frozen dog treats like “pupsicles”!



Dogs love to go for walks, and as their humans, we realize that daily trips outdoors are necessary not only for potty breaks, but also for physical and mental stimulation for our pets.

Dog Food Myth-Busting

Dog Food Myth-Busting

Canine nutrition is usually discussed between dog owners with strong opinions about their own practices! Facts are tough to discern for even the best read & knowledgeable pet owners. Check out this article to learn more about proper nutrition to optimize the health and longevity of your furkids.

The Stubborn Dog

The Stubborn Dog

GUILTY! Admittedly, I have used this excuse in past Obedience training when my dog refused to follow my commands.

Oh No, Not a Hot Spot!

Oh No, Not a Hot Spot!

Sooner or later most dog owners will face skin infections & coat issues that require careful and quick attention.